Homebrew Commercial Clone Recipes

Submit a Homebrew Clone Recipe If you are a human and are seeing this field, please leave it blank. Fields marked with an * are required Beer Name * Brewery * Homebrew Clone Recipe Link * Updated: 10/23/2015 Image Beer Name COL 1 Brewery Style RateBeer Score COL 5 COL...

Understanding Hop Pellet Blends & Oil Testing

When updating the hop oils calculator for 2014, I learned a lot about hops while I pestered staff at YCH HOPS for data and quizzed them on how they test their hops and put together their blends. Thankfully, they were super cool and answered all my questions and...

2015 National Homebrew Competition By the Numbers

Earlier this year I attempted to estimate the statistical odds of advancing an entry to the 2015 NHC final round, but now that the final round is complete and the numbers are released, below are the actual odds of advancement by judging location. The hardest style to...

Farnesene Level Distributions

This chart shows farnesene levels distributed among all of the hops in 5 seperate tiers, with the highest levels on the left and lowest levels on the right. At first glance, this could be a list of my favorite hops in the tier to the right....

2015 BJCP Style Guidelines

Here is a quick sortable reference guide to the new 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines. Style # Beer Style IBUs SRM Original Gravity Final Gravity ABV 1 American Light Lager 8–12 2–3 1.028–1.040 0.998–1.008 2.8–4.2% 1 American Lager 8–18 2–4 1.040–1.050 1.004–1.010 4.2–5.3% 1...