Here is a quick sortable reference guide to the new 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines.

Style # Beer Style IBUs SRM Original Gravity Final Gravity ABV
1 American Light Lager 8–12 2–3 1.028–1.040 0.998–1.008 2.8–4.2%
1 American Lager 8–18 2–4 1.040–1.050 1.004–1.010 4.2–5.3%
1 Cream Ale 8–20 2.5–5 1.042–1.055 1.006–1.012 4.2–5.6%
1 American Wheat Beer 15–30 3–6 1.040–1.055 1.008–1.013 4.0–5.5%
2 International Pale Lager 18–25 2–6 1.042–1.050 1.008–1.012 4.6–6.0%
2 International Amber Lager 8–25 7–14 1.042–1.055 1.008–1.014 4.6–6.0%
2 International Dark Lager 8–20 14–22 1.044–1.056 1.008–1.012 4.2–6.0%
3 Czech Pale Lager 20–35 3–6 1.028–1.044 1.008–1.014 3.0–4.1%
3 Czech Premium Pale Lager 30–45 3.5–6 1.044–1.060 1.013–1.017 4.2–5.8%
3 Czech Amber Lager 20–35 10–16 1.044–1.060 1.013–1.017 4.4–5.8%
3 Czech Dark Lager 18–34 14–35 1.044–1.060 1.013–1.017 4.4–5.8%
4 Munich Helles 16–22 3–5 1.044–1.048 1.006–1.012 4.7–5.4%
4 Festbier 18–25 4–7 1.054–1.057 1.010–1.012 5.8–6.3%
4 Helles Bock 23–35 6–11 1.064–1.072 1.011–1.018 6.3–7.4%
5 German Leichtbier 15–28 2–5 1.026–1.034 1.006–1.010 2.4–3.6%
5 Kölsch 18–30 3.5–5 1.044–1.050 1.007–1.011 4.4–5.2%
5 German Helles Exportbier 20–30 4–7 1.048–1.056 1.010–1.015 4.8–6.0%
5 German Pils 22–40 2–5 1.044–1.050 1.008–1.013 4.4–5.2%
6 Märzen 18–24 8–17 1.054–1.060 1.010–1.014 5.8–6.3%
6 Rauchbier 20–30 12–22 1.050–1.057 1.012–1.016 4.8–6%
6 Dunkles Bock 20–27 14–22 1.064–1.072 1.013–1.019 6.3–7.2%
7 Vienna Lager 18–30 9–15 1.048–1.055 1.010–1.014 4.7–5.5%
7 Altbier 25–50 11–17 1.044–1.052 1.008–1.014 4.3–5.5%
7 Kellerbier 20–35 3–7 1.045–1.051 1.008–1.012 4.7–5.4%
7 Amber Kellerbier 25–40 7–17 1.048–1.054 1.012–1.016 4.8–5.4%
8 Munich Dunkel 18–28 14–28 1.048–1.056 1.010–1.016 4.5–5.6%
8 Schwarzbier 20–30 17–30 1.046–1.052 1.010–1.016 4.4–5.4%
9 Doppelbock 16–26 6–25 1.072–1.112 1.016–1.024 7.0–10.0%
9 Eisbock 25–35 18–30 1.078–1.120 1.020–1.035 9.0–14.0%
9 Baltic Porter 20–40 17–30 1.060–1.090 1.016–1.024 6.5–9.5%
10 Weissbier 8–15 2–6 1.044–1.052 1.010–1.014 4.3–5.6%
10 Dunkles Weissbier 10–18 14–23 1.044–1.056 1.010–1.014 4.3–5.6%
10 Weizenbock 15–30 6–25 1.064–1.090 1.015–1.022 6.5–9.0%
11 Ordinary Bitter 25–35 8–14 1.030–1.039 1.007–1.011 3.2–3.8%
11 Best Bitter 25–40 8–16 1.040–1.048 1.008–1.012 3.8–4.6%
11 Strong Bitter 30–50 8–18 1.048–1.060 1.010–1.016 4.6–6.2%
12 British Golden Ale 20–45 2–6 1.038–1.053 1.006–1.012 3.8–5.0%
12 Australian Sparkling Ale 20–35 4–7 1.038–1.050 1.004–1.006 4.5–6.0%
12 English IPA 40–60 6–14 1.050–1.075 1.010–1.018 5.0–7.5%
13 Dark Mild 10–25 12–25 1.030–1.038 1.008–1.013 3.0–3.8%
13 British Brown Ale 20–30 12–22 1.040–1.052 1.008–1.013 4.2–5.4%
13 English Porter 18–35 20–30 1.040–1.052 1.008–1.014 4.0–5.4%
14 Scottish Light 10–20 17–22 1.030–1.035 1.010–1.013 2.5–3.2%
14 Scottish Heavy 10–20 13–22 1.035–1.040 1.010–1.015 3.2–3.9%
14 Scottish Export 15–30 13–22 1.040–1.060 1.010–1.016 3.9–6.0%
15 Irish Red Ale 18–28 9–14 1.036–1.046 1.010–1.014 3.8–5.0%
15 Irish Stout 25–45 25–40 1.036–1.044 1.007–1.011 4.0–4.5%
15 Irish Extra Stout 35–50 25–40 1.052–1.062 1.010–1.014 5.5–6.5%
16 Sweet Stout 20–40 30–40 1.044–1.060 1.012–1.024 4.0–6.0%
16 Oatmeal Stout 25–40 22–40 1.045–1.065 1.010–1.018 4.2–5.9%
16 Tropical Stout 30–50 30–40 1.056–1.075 1.010–1.018 5.5–8.0%
16 Foreign Extra Stout 50–70 30–40 1.056–1.075 1.010–1.018 6.3–8.0%
17 British Strong Ale 30–60 8–22 1.055–1.080 1.015–1.022 5.5–8.0%
17 Old Ale 30–60 10–22 1.055–1.088 1.015–1.022 5.5–9.0%
17 Wee Heavy 17–35 14–25 1.070–1.130 1.018–1.040 6.5–10.0%
17 English Barleywine 35–70 8–22 1.080–1.120 1.018–1.030 8.0–12.0%
18 Blonde Ale 15–28 3–6 1.038–1.054 1.008–1.013 3.8–5.5%
18 American Pale Ale 30–50 5–10 1.045–1.060 1.010–1.015 4.5–6.2%
19 American Amber Ale 25–40 10–17 1.045–1.060 1.010–1.015 4.5–6.2%
19 California Common 30–45 10–14 1.048–1.054 1.011–1.014 4.5–5.5%
19 American Brown Ale 20–30 18–35 1.045–1.060 1.010–1.016 4.3–6.2%
20 American Porter 25–50 22–40 1.050–1.070 1.012–1.018 4.8–6.5%
20 American Stout 35–75 30–40 1.050–1.075 1.010–1.022 5.0–7.0%
20 Imperial Stout 50–90 30–40 1.075–1.115 1.018–1.030 8.0–12.0%
21 American IPA 40–70 6–14 1.056–1.070 1.008–1.014 5.5–7.5%
21 Belgian IPA 50–100 5–15 1.058–1.080 1.008–1.016 6.2–9.5%
21 Black IPA 50–90 25–40 1.050–1.085 1.010–1.018 5.5–9.0%
21 Brown IPA 40–70 11–19 1.056–1.070 1.008–1.016 5.5–7.5%
21 Red IPA 40–70 11–19 1.056–1.070 1.008–1.016 5.5–7.5%
21 Rye IPA 50–75 6–14 1.056–1.075 1.008–1.014 5.5–8.0%
21 White IPA 40–70 5–8 1.056–1.065 1.010–1.016 5.5–7.0%
22 Double IPA 60–120 6–14 1.065–1.085 1.008–1.018 7.5–10.0%
22 American Strong Ale 50–100 7–19 1.062–1.090 1.014–1.024 6.3–10.0%
22 American Barleywine 50–100 10–19 1.080–1.120 1.016–1.030 8.0–12.0%
22 Wheatwine 30–60 8–15 1.080–1.120 1.016–1.030 8.0–12.0%
23 Berliner Weisse 3–8 2–3 1.028–1.032 1.003–1.006 2.8–3.8%
23 Flanders Red Ale 10–25 10–16 1.048–1.057 1.002–1.012 4.6–6.5%
23 Oud Bruin 20–25 15–22 1.040–1.074 1.008–1.012 4.0–8.0%
23 Lambic 0–10 3–7 1.040–1.054 1.001–1.010 5.0–6.5%
23 Gueuze 0–10 3–7 1.040–1.060 1.000–1.006 5.0–8.0%
23 Fruit Lambic 0–10 3–7 1.040–1.060 1.000–1.010 5.0–7.0%
24 Witbier 8–20 2–4 1.044–1.052 1.008–1.012 4.5–5.5%
24 Belgian Pale Ale 20–30 8–14 1.048–1.054 1.010–1.014 4.8–5.5%
24 Bière de Garde 18–28 6–19 1.060–1.080 1.008–1.016 6.0–8.5%
25 Belgian Blond Ale 15–30 4–7 1.062–1.075 1.008–1.018 6.0–7.5%
25 Saison (pale) (standard) 20–35 5–14 1.048–1.065 1.002–1.008 5.0–7.0%
25 Saison (dark) (standard) 20–35 15–22 1.048–1.065 1.002–1.008 5.0–7.0%
25 Saison (pale) (table) 20–35 5–14 1.048–1.065 1.002–1.008 3.5–5.0%
25 Saison (pale) (super) 20–35 5–14 1.048–1.065 1.002–1.008 7.0–9.5%
25 Belgian Golden Strong Ale 22–35 3–6 1.070–1.095 1.005–1.016 7.5–10.5%
26 Trappist Single 25–45 3–5 1.044–1.054 1.004–1.010 4.8–6.0%
26 Belgian Dubbel 15–25 10–17 1.062–1.075 1.008–1.018 6.0–7.6%
26 Belgian Tripel 20–40 4.5–7 1.075–1.085 1.008–1.014 7.5–9.5%
26 Belgian Dark Strong Ale 20–35 12–22 1.075–1.110 1.010–1.024 8.0–12.0%
27 Historical Beer: Gose 5–12 3–4 1.036–1.056 1.006–1.010 4.2–4.8%
27 Historical Beer: Kentucky Common 15–30 11–20 1.044–1.055 1.010–1.018 4.0–5.5%
27 Historical Beer: Lichtenhainer 5–12 3–6 1.032–1.040 1.004–1.008 3.5–4.7%
27 Historical Beer: London Brown Ale 15–20 22–35 1.033–1.038 1.012–1.015 2.8–3.6%
27 Historical Beer: Piwo Grodziskie 20–35 3–6 1.028–1.032 1.006–1.012 2.5–3.3%
27 Historical Beer: Pre-Prohibition Lager 25–40 3–6 1.044–1.060 1.010–1.015 4.5–6.0%
27 Historical Beer: Pre-Prohibition Porter 20–30 18–30 1.046–1.060 1.010–1.016 4.5–6.0%
27 Historical Beer: Roggenbier 10–20 14–19 1.046–1.056 1.010–1.014 4.5–6.0%
27 Historical Beer: Sahti 7–15 4–22 1.076–1.120 1.016–1.020 7.0–11.0%
28 Brett Beer NS NS NS NS NS
28 Mixed-Fermentation Sour Beer NS NS NS NS NS
28 Wild Specialty Beer NS NS NS NS NS
29 Fruit Beer NS NS NS NS NS
29 Fruit and Spice Beer NS NS NS NS NS
29 Specialty Fruit Beer NS NS NS NS NS
30 Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer NS NS NS NS NS
30 Autumn Seasonal Beer NS NS NS NS NS
30 Winter Seasonal Beer NS NS NS NS NS
31 Alternative Grain Beer NS NS NS NS NS
31 Alternative Sugar Beer NS NS NS NS NS
32 Classic Style Smoked Beer NS NS NS NS NS
32 Specialty Smoked Beer NS NS NS NS NS
33 Wood-Aged Beer NS NS NS NS NS
33 Specialty Wood-Aged Beer NS NS NS NS NS
34 Clone Beer NS NS NS NS NS
34 Mixed-Style Beer NS NS NS NS NS
34 Experimental Beer NS NS NS NS NS
Style # Beer Style IBUs SRM Original Gravity Final Gravity ABV

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