Fermenting & Dry Hopping Under Pressure
Fermenting and dry hopping under pressure has the potential to reduce ester production, flexibility to ferment at higher temperatures, and ability to trap dry hop oil compounds from being removed by carbon dioxide production. Benefits of Fermenting Under Pressure A...
150 Day Dry Hopped Tart Saison
It's been common knowledge in the homebrew community for years that dry hopping for extended periods leads to grassy flavors in your beer. I've dry hopped for as long as a few months before and never experienced this for myself. For this beer I put this concept to the...
Increasing Bitterness By Dry Hopping
Oxidized alpha acids called humulinones are found on hops and are extremely soluble in beer. Because humulinones are approximately 66% as bitter as iso-alpha-acids, they can potentially increase a beer's bitterness during dry hopping. What Are Humulinones The three...
RVA Manchester Ale vs. London Ale III (NEIPAs)
London Ale III | RVA 132 Manchester It’s no secret that London Ale III (Wyeast 1318) has been a favorite among homebrewers for super juicy New England style IPAs. I can think of three possible reasons why the strain appears to work so well in these beers: Seemingly...
40% Raw Oats Hoppy Session IPA
After doing the research for a post on the potential benefits of brewing with oats, I decided to put the research to practice and brew a beer with 40% raw steel cut oat groats. Because oats have the potential to reduce the fermentability of wort, I went with a hoppy...
A Case for Brewing With Oats
There are many potential benefits to brewing with a high percentage of oats like reducing common off flavors, improving beer stability, and improving yeast health. Viscosity and Mouthfeel Mouthfeel is the result of various factors, including beta-glucans, ethanol,...
Dr. Rudi Single Hopped NEAPA
I love it when other homebrewers brew single hopped beers and post about their experiences. Commercial descriptions of hops are extremely helpful, but I've always found brewers direct experience with a hop extremely valuable in understanding how I might want utilize a...
Mouthfeel Softness | New England IPAs
The things that keep me up at night are the same things as in the beginning: mouthfeel, yeast viability, the fear that I’ll wake up one day and have to dump every tank of beer in the brewery. ” - DRAFT Magazine, January 31, 2016 Inspired by the great New England IPAs,...
Vanilla Bean Cocoa Porter
Cockroach Beer [kok-rohch] [beer] noun homebrew that no matter how many pulls you take, pints your share, and growlers you give away, the keg will not exterminate. Today is Super Bowl Sunday, over 2 months since I brewed this porter, and I...
Examination of Studies: Hopping Methods and Concepts for Achieving Maximum Hop Aroma and Flavor
Over the past couple of years I've kept a file of different hop studies I've come across through various podcasts, presentations, and articles. I thought it would be beneficial (to me as least) to layout all of the different studies and pull out the highlights in an...