Million Gallons (for counties with data)

Source: S.S. Steiner 2014 Guidelines for Hop Buying – 2014 Estimate

Full Data Set:

Country Gallons
Germany 2518
Russia 2166
Great Britain 1110
Poland 1051
Spain 911
Ukraine 687
Netherlands 610
Czech Republic 491
France 489
Belgium 476
Romania 436
Italy 338
Austria 243
Ireland 211
Portugal 211
Turkey 198
Other Europe 766
Total Europe 13840
USA 5962
Brazil 3593
Mexico 2166
Venezuela 634
Canada 600
Colombia 589
Argentina 436
Other Americas 1870
Total Americas 15237
China 13684
Japan 1506
Vietnam 866
Thailand 610
South Korea 552
India 528
Philippines 436
Other Asia 4686
Total Asia 19216
South Africa 840
Nigeria 687
Other Africa 2428
Total Africa 3524
Australia 460
New Zealand 79
Oceania 40
Total Australia 579

Check Out My Book!

The New IPA: Scientific Guide to Hop Aroma and Flavor

In the NEW IPA, Scott Janish scours through hundreds of academic studies, collecting and translating the relevant hop science into one easily digestible book. Through experiments, lab tests, discussions with researchers, and interviews with renowned and award-winning commercial brewers, the NEW IPA will get you to think differently about brewing processes and ingredient selection that define today's hop-forward beers. It's a must-have book for those that love to brew hoppy hazy beer and a scientific guide for those who want to push the limits of hop flavor and aroma!

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