Wookie Jack #2 Third Runnings Data and Results
Descriptors: dank
Dank, but not in a pleasant way. Really weird aroma’s coming from this cluster of dry hops. Chinook may be the culprit here, maybe it just doesn’t play well with either the other hops or the darker grain build. Not a very good beer.
Recipe Specifics:
Type: All Grain |
Oxygen: 40 seconds |
Mash Efficiency: 18.00% |
Target Carbonation: 2.5 |
Dry Hop as % of Total Hop Build: 89.34% |
IBUs: 39.5 |
Original Gravity: 1.031 |
Days in Fermenter: 14 |
Real Attenuation: 77.52% |
Bitterness to Original Gravity: 1.27 |
SRM: N/A |
Final Gravity: 1.009 |
Cold Crash: No |
Apparent Attenuation: 70.97% |
Bitterness to Final Gravity: 4.39 |
Boil Minutes: 60 |
ABV: 3.70% |
Mash pH: N/A |
Total Grams Hops Used: 122 |
Dry Hops in Keg: No |
Starter: No |
Batch Size: 5 |
Final Beer pH: |
Hop Stand as % of Boil: 0.00% |
Stir During Mash: No |
Taste Results:
Score from 0 (lowest) to 5 (highest)
Beer Score: 20 |
Hop Aroma Detectability: 1.5 |
Head Retention: 2.75 |
Minerality: 1.5 |
Pleasing Mouthfeel: 1.5 |
Excitement Level: 1 |
Pleasing Hop Aroma: 1.5 |
Alcohol Detectability: 1 |
Dryness: 3 |
Harsh Bitterness: 3 |
Drinkability: 1.5 |
Hop Flavor Detectability: 1 |
Maltiness: 2.25 |
Sweetness: 1 |
Pleasing Bitterness: 2 |
Clarity: 0 |
Pleasing Hop Flavor: 1.5 |
Tartness: 0 |
Mouthfeel Thickness: 1.5 |
Off Flavors: No |
Beer Stability: 1.5 |
Head Size: 1.75 |
Sourness: 0 |
Mouthfeel Softness: 2 |
Aroma Results:
Score from 0 (lowest) to 5 (highest)
Fruity: 1 |
Spicy/Peppery: 2 |
Tropical Fruit: 1 |
Orange: 0 |
Pear: 0 |
Grapefruit: 0 |
Bubblegum: 0 |
Coriander: 0 |
Citrus: 1.5 |
Tobacco/Earthy: 0 |
Pine: 0 |
Cherry: 0 |
Cocoa: 0 |
Resin: 1.5 |
Vanilla: 0 |
Brett Funk: 0 |
Stone Fruit: 0 |
Woody/Cedar: 1.5 |
Grassy: 2 |
Melon: 0 |
Banana: 0 |
Dank: 2 |
Tea: 0 |
Brett Fruitiness: 0 |
Floral: 0 |
Herbal: 1.5 |
Berry: 0 |
Apple: 0 |
Pineapple: 0 |
Onion/Garlic: 1.5 |
Licorice: 0 |
Water Profile:
Reverse Osmosis Water: Yes |
Baking Soda (gram/gallon): 0 |
Total Sulfate: 206.6 |
Total Hardness: 285 |
Gypsum (gram/gallon): 1.15 |
Calcium Chloride (gram/gallon): 0.38 |
Total Bicarbonate: 16 |
Total Alkalinity: 13 |
Epsom Salt (gram/gallon): 0.35 |
Total Calcium: 99 |
Total Cations: 6 |
Total RA: -63 |
Sea Salt (gram/gallon): 0 |
Total Magnesium: 9.1 |
Total Anions: 6 |
S04:Cl Ratio: 3.9 |
Mash Profile:
Mashed at 147 for 60 Minutes
Yeast 1: WLP002 |
Ounces of Yeast 1 Slurry: 3 |
Yeast 1 Generation: 4 |
Yeast 1 Slurry Days Old: 3 |
Yeast 2: N/A |
Ounces of Yeast 2 Slurry: N/A |
Yeast 2 Generation: N/A |
Yeast 2 Slurry Days Old: N/A |
Stage 1 Fermentation Temperature: 66 |
Stage 2 Fermentation Temperature: N/A |
Stage 3 Fermentation Temperature: N/A |
Ambient Temperature: Yes |
Dry Hopping:
Dry Hop Temperature: 66 |
Dry Hop Dose Left in Keg: N/A |
Dry Hop Dose #1 Days: 6 |
Dry Hop Dose #2 Days: 0 |
Total Hop Oil/Acid Composition in Beer:
Beta Acids: 4.14 |
Linalool: 0.62 |
Humulene: 14.94 |
Alpha Acids: 12.75 |
Caryophyllene: 7.6 |
Geraniol: 0.66 |
Myrcene: 39.53 |
Farnesene: 0.23 |
Other: 24.14 |
Total Hop Oil/Acid Composition in Boil:
Beta Acids: 4.5 |
Linalool: 0.46 |
Humulene: 10.75 |
Alpha Acids: 15 |
Caryophyllene: 7.05 |
Geraniol: 0.24 |
Myrcene: 5.64 |
Farnesene: 0.19 |
Other: 24.89 |
Total Hop Oil/Acid Composition at Flameout:
Beta Acids: |
Linalool: |
Humulene: |
Alpha Acids: |
Caryophyllene: |
Geraniol: |
Myrcene: |
Farnesene: |
Other: |
Total Hop Oil/Acid Composition in Dry Hop:
Beta Acids: 4.096 |
Linalool: 0.634 |
Humulene: 15.434 |
Alpha Acids: 12.486 |
Caryophyllene: 7.67 |
Geraniol: 0.707 |
Myrcene: 43.576 |
Farnesene: 0.235 |
Other: 24.054 |