Data for every beer listed in each Beeradvocate style category as of January 2015 Total number of beers in data set: 91,238 Beer Category Average ABV Low Alcohol Beer 0.96 Kvass 1.07 Light Lager 4.04 English Dark Mild Ale 4.07 Berliner Weissbier 4.15 English Bitter...
Probably not a shocker, but interesting to see the data, it appears the average ABV across a given beer category does increase the average beer score for that particular category. A few noticeable outliers are goses and berliner weisses which tend to score high...
Source: 91,238 Beers Entered into BeerAdvocate as of 1/10/2014 For all words with at least 25 mentions Word Word Count ale 12734 ipa 5818 stout 5364 porter 3305 pale 3267 red 2608 lager 2446 imperial 2125 black 2040 brown 2024 barrel 1980 wheat 1827 saison 1767 aged...
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Heady Topper, brewed by The Alchemist in Waterbury, VT is ranked #1 on BeerAdvocate and BeerGraphs and has an overall score of 100 on RateBeer. Clearly, this beer doesn’t suck. To take advantage of the enormous amount of data collected by the top review beer...