Source: Beer Institute 2012 Data

State Breakdown of Per Capita Beer Consumption in Gallons for Adults 21 +


Alabama 30.2
Alaska 28.7
Arizona 29.5
Arkansas 26.7
California 25.5
Colorado 30
Connecticut 22.1
Delaware 33.6
District of Columbia 28.3
Florida 27.4
Georgia 25.7
Hawaii 30.4
Idaho 27.8
Illinois 29.1
Indiana 25.9
Iowa 33.6
Kansas 28.3
Kentucky 24.4
Louisiana 33.9
Maine 34
Maryland 23.2
Massachusetts 26.2
Michigan 26.8
Minnesota 28.5
Mississippi 33.9
Missouri 31
Montana 41
Nebraska 35.2
Nevada 35.8
New Hampshire 43.9
New Jersey 22.4
New Mexico 32.4
New York 22.4
North Carolina 27.1
North Dakota 45.8
Ohio 30.1
Oklahoma 28.3
Oregon 30.3
Pennsylvania 28.6
Rhode Island 26.3
South Carolina 32.7
South Dakota 38.9
Tennessee 26.2
Texas 34.4
Utah 20.2
Vermont 35.3
Virginia 26.7
Washington 24.8
West Virginia 30.3
Wisconsin 36.2
Wyoming 33

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