Interest in Sour Beers Broken Down by State
Interest in Sour Beers Broken Down by City
Numbers represent search volume relative to the highest point on the map which is always 100.
Numbers represent search volume relative to the highest point on the map which is always 100.
In the NEW IPA, Scott Janish scours through hundreds of academic studies, collecting and translating the relevant hop science into one easily digestible book. Through experiments, lab tests, discussions with researchers, and interviews with renowned and award-winning commercial brewers, the NEW IPA will get you to think differently about brewing processes and ingredient selection that define today's hop-forward beers. It's a must-have book for those that love to brew hoppy hazy beer and a scientific guide for those who want to push the limits of hop flavor and aroma!
Available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook on Amazon! Also available in iTunes and the Google Play Book Store!
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What brands could one buy in AZ ?
Based on distribution to AZ you should check out Jolly Pumpkin (MI) and Crooked Stave (CO), both of them have a lot of sours. In addition depending on what gets sent to your area both New Belgium (CO) La Folie and Le Terroir and Odell Friek are good options. Also some of the Avery barrel-aged series are soured as well. Hope that helps.
There are a few Az Breweries brewing sours currently. Three I have drank in the last week or so were from Borderlands,Mudshark,Dubina you also can find Firestone sours alot of places on draft when there out, also Anchorage beers offer some great flavors with brett. All those with the above mentioned you have alot to choose from