GY054-Vermont IPA vs. London Ale III 1318

I’ve got a good friend who brews regularly with both the Heady Topper (Conan/Vermont) yeast strain and the rumored Hill Farmstead and Tired Hands yeast strain (London Ale III™ 1318) and he seems to change his mind daily on which one he enjoys more.  Having tasted many...

Analysis of Hop Oils By Aroma Wheel Category

All this hop oil data and calculator are interesting I guess, but what the hell does it mean? I dont know, but it’s fun going through the data in an attempt to find out. Thanks to Hopunion, I now have complete data on 58 hops from the latest 2014 harvest. By complete...

Hop Flavor and Aromatic Descriptors

Use the following chart as a guide to aid in describing hop flavor and aromatic descriptors in beer. Source: Barth-Haas Group Descriptor This includes the following aromas: Menthol Mint, melissa, sage, metallic, camphor, pine Tea Green tea, chamomile tea, black tea...

Beer Analytics: Review of Heady Topper Descriptors

Heady Topper, brewed by The Alchemist in Waterbury, VT is ranked #1 on BeerAdvocate and BeerGraphs and has an overall score of 100 on RateBeer. Clearly, this beer doesn’t suck. To take advantage of the enormous amount of data collected by the top review beer...