How is the Homebrew Shop Need Index Calculated? Homebrew Shop Need Index = (21 and up population/number of homebrew shops *50) + (per capita consumption in beer in gallons * 15) + (Average Internet Search Interest *35) / the highest figure (to get an index of 1.0 and...
After posting a Map of Per Capita Gallons of Beer Consumed Per Adult By State, it got me thinking, what states have the biggest need for more craft breweries? To figure this out, I took the total barrels of beer consumed per year in each state divided by the number of...
Source: Beer Institute 2012 Data State Breakdown of Per Capita Beer Consumption in Gallons for Adults 21 + Alabama 30.2 Alaska 28.7 Arizona 29.5 Arkansas 26.7 California 25.5 Colorado 30 Connecticut 22.1 Delaware 33.6 District of Columbia 28.3 Florida 27.4...