London Ale III | RVA 132 Manchester It’s no secret that London Ale III (Wyeast 1318) has been a favorite among homebrewers for super juicy New England style IPAs. I can think of three possible reasons why the strain appears to work so well in these beers: Seemingly...
When I saw that one of Omega’s new yeast strains had a temperature range of 62-98° F with “little difference in flavor profile across the whole range,” I had to give it a try. I can only fit one carboy in my small fermenting fridge, which is pretty...
Here is a statistically driven recipe formulated from the data in this post. Data: NHC and Here for 2014 Recipe Brewing Process Averages 87.7% – Kegged their winning IPA recipes (3 didn’t specify) This correlation could explain why so many are...
The main reason I go through the process of keeping a database of homebrew figures is to run analysis on the results and hopefully learn something from each batch. In this case, I’m looking at finding the correlation between the percentage of keg hops a batch...